Fresno Gymnastics Center Logo


What to know!

Holidays/Emergency closures: When FGC is closed for holidays/emergency closures (ie. power outage), you will receive a make-up. This entitles your child to one make-up class for that closure. Scheduled closures with eligible make-ups include:

January 20th 2025: MLK Day

February 17th 2025: Presidents Day

April 14th-19th 2025: Spring Break

May 26th 2025: Memorial Day

July 4th-5th 2025: Independence Day

September 1st 2025: Labor Day

October 31st 2025: Halloween

November 23rd-30 2025: Thanksgiving Break

December 24th-January 1st 2026: Winter Break

Withdrawals: Withdrawals must be submitted in writing (either in person to our front desk or via email) by the 20th of the month prior to a new four week session beginning. No withdrawals in the middle of a month. Registration fee is not refundable or transferable. No credits or refunds for missed classes.

Attire: Leotard or athletic shorts/shirt (no jeans). No tights or loose t-shirts. Long hair must be pulled back. No zippers, snaps, buttons or dangly jewelry allowed.

No outside food, drink or chewing gum is permitted in the gym area. All vended items must be kept in the parent seating area.

Make-ups:Your student must be currently & actively enrolled to schedule & complete make-ups for any missed classes, and any existing make-ups expire upon un-enrollment from the program. There are no make-ups for our team programs. Make-up classes are available for classes missed, but must be scheduled in advance with the front desk team. You may schedule one make-up per student, per program, at a time. Once scheduled, make-ups cannot be rescheduled. Failure to show for a scheduled make-up results in a loss of the class. Make-ups are non-transferrable, nor can they be refunded or credited towards tuition. Make-ups are based on availability and are not guaranteed.

For a brief video tutorial on how to navigate the App to schedule make-ups, Click Here!

Please leave valuables at home. FGC is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Photography: FGC has permission to photograph your child for future use without compensation. Additionally, we ask you to refrain from photographing children other than your own.





Our Services




Contact Info


2920 N Burl Ave, Fresno, CA 93727