Fresno Gymnastics Center Logo
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We'll see you in 2026!

JANUARY 24-25, 2026


Registration Information

Step 1

How to Register with FGC

Fill out the entry form with team & athlete information.

Email the completed form to:

We'll follow up to confirm once we've received the form & payment!

Step 2

Meet Fees & How to Pay

Entry fees:

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (BY 6/30): $100 per Athlete

REGULAR REGISTRATION (7/1-9/30): $130 per Athlete

LATE REGISTRATION (10/1-11/30): $140 per Athlete


**Please Note** Your spot is not reserved until payment is received in full. Payment must be received in full by Monday, December 1st.

Checks can be made out to Fresno Gymnastics Center.

Our mailing address is:

Fresno Gymnastics Center

Mid-State Classic

2920 N Burl Ave.

Fresno, CA 93727

Step 3

Register with USAG

Use the link below to visit the meet registration page.

Once logged in, fill out the required fields in the top portion of the form. Then, select the athletes that will be attending, and click "submit" on the bottom of the page.

Additional Information

Registration and Change deadline is Monday, December 1st. All registration forms and checks must be received by this date. Likewise, any change requests must be made, in writing, by this date. Refunds will only be issued to athletes that have a doctor's note and must be before Monday, December 1st. NO changes or refunds will be made after end of day Monday, December 1st. To make any changes to your registration prior to Monday, December 1st, please send an email to, and include "CHANGE REQUEST - [GYM NAME]" in your subject line.

What to Expect

For Athletes

100% Awards for All Around

50% +1 Awards for all Events


For Coaches

We aim to please with Hospitality! Our coaches room will have snacks, drinks, and food - all in a room away from the commotion to allow each coach a place to decompress and tune out.


For Families

Vendors, Food Trucks & a Family Fun Night on Friday Evening prior to competition are just a few of the amenities we're bringing to the Mid-State Classic!


General Information

Meet Location

Fresno Convention Center

848 M St.

Fresno, CA 93721


Meet Schedule

Coming Soon.




Meet Host

Fresno Gymnastics Center

Meet Director: Megan Healy


Competition Rules

We follow USAG rules by age in the modified non-traditional format.



Scoring provided by Pro Score.





AAI Equipment provided by:

So Cal Gym Supply, LLC



Additional Information

Photo & Video Release - Permission is hereby granted to the Fresno Gymnastics Center by way of entering the Mid-State Classic at the Fresno Convention Center to use any photographs/videos that may be taken at the event on the Mid-State Classic or Fresno Gymnastics web sites and/or in Mid-State Classic or Fresno Gymnastics printed publications or electronic communications without further consideration, and to hold harmless the above named entities. Any desire to be excluded from this release must be provided in writing to the meet directly no less than 30 days prior to the competition.

Visitor Information


  • General Admission: $20 For Ages 11+
  • Senior Admission: $15 for Ages 65+
  • Child Admission: $15 for Ages 10 & Under
  • Active Military: $15

Hotel Options

  • DoubleTree Fresno Convention Center
  • Additional Options Coming Soon

Things to Do

Where to Eat

Here are some of our Local Favorites!

Reservations are highly recommended for the following:

Map & Directions

Coming from NORTH of Fresno

Heading South on Highway 99, Take Exit 132B for Fresno Street.

Turn Left on Fresno St. and go about 1 Mile, then turn Right on M Street.

The Convention Center will be on your left hand side.

Passing the Convention Center, turn left on Inyo Street. 

Paid parking is available on your right, on the corner of Inyo Street and O Street.

Coming from SOUTH of Fresno

Heading North on Highway 99, take Exit 131 to merge onto CA-41 N.

Take Exit 126B for Van Ness Ave, then turn Left onto Van Ness Ave.

Turn Right onto Kern Street, then turn right again on M Street.

The Convention Center will be on your left hand side.

Passing the Convention Center, turn left on Inyo Street. 

Paid parking is available on your right, on the corner of Inyo Street and O Street.


Are you interested in being a vendor or sponsor for the Mid-State Classic? Send us an email at, and place "VENDOR INTEREST" in your subject line. We'll be in touch to coordinate our partnership!


We're happy to answer any questions you might have about our meet! Please email us at, and include "MEET QUESTIONS" in your subject line. We'll be in touch shortly!





Our Services




Contact Info


2920 N Burl Ave, Fresno, CA 93727